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Additional Services Provided by GLGC


As your local one-stop jewelry resource, Great Lakes Gem Company offers our customers services for just about everything jewelry-related. This includes help with filing claims for lost or stolen jewelry, jewelry replacement, free consultations to discuss your gem and jewelry questions, and jewelry design and restyling.   


To find out more about the jewelry and gemstone services provided by Great Lakes Gem Company, just click on a link:

Insurance Replacement


Lost jewelry? Stolen jewelry? Jewelry claims can be complicated and take long periods of time to settle. In addition, jewelry and diamond prices fluctuate daily and jewelry terminology is confusing and confounding. The best way to get through the insurance replacement claim process is to call Great Lakes Gem and let us help you. We have done this for hundreds of customers and will be glad to do it for you. We give you the most accurate valuations through our extensive knowledge and exhausting research on the topics of jewelry replacement. We are your hometown advocate for getting the most for your claim whether it’s a replacement item or cash.




We offer our expert consulting services free of charge when you wish to know the value of your fine jewelry items, watches, and gems, including modern or estate jewelry. We are also an outlet for any jewelry or gem items you or your heirs wish to sell. If you are suddenly left with a large amount of estate jewelry to sort through and need to determine what to do with it, our consulting service is an ideal way to help you with potentially difficult decisions.


You are welcome to come into our office for a consultation or we can visit you at your home, office, attorney’s office or bank - whatever is most convenient for you and wherever you are most comfortable.


Jewelry Design/Restyling


Because a piece of inherited or estate jewelry was created years and years ago, its style is often outdated and therefore never gets worn by the heirs. What a shame to let a beautiful diamond or gemstone waste away in a dark drawer or jewelry box! Everything old is new again when you have it restyled by the in-house jewelry designers and goldsmiths at Great Lakes Gem. Stop in or schedule a consultation and we’ll let you know all your options to make your obsolete jewelry absolutely stunning! Of course, we'll also start from scratch and create a new piece of jewelry custom-made in any style and design you desire.        


To find out more about the services Great Lakes Gem provides, including jewelry design and restyling, click on a link:

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